In general, acupuncture can help you with sleep issues, digestion, stress, overall mood, and many more. Although many people choose to have ongoing regular acupuncture treatment, just one session can have lasting health benefits for many. It depends on your body's constitution. The method is to get to the root of the issue rather than just the symptoms of illness. Because treating the root cause of health problems is exactly what we do.
Imagine your health is a tree..A tree has many branches that represent symptoms one experiences such as digestive issues, insomnia, or fatigue.The real cause lies underneath the tree where the root is, representing your internal organ such as the kidney, liver, stomach, lungs, etc. You can try to block the symptoms from the branches by suppressing them with the medication as we usually do. What if you can go deep underneath to identify the root to start mending and feeding the needed nutrients to a healthy tree again? The symptoms in the branches of the tree then will sprout and can heal naturally.
So is the body, when the root cause is taken care of, the symptoms will be improved and cured. This benefit will be long term and your body will be happier and healthier.
- It is a natural solution to many health concerns.
- It relaxes the mind and body.
- Promotes healing.
- Releases blockage.
- Improves circulation.
- Reduce pain.
- Balance your body chemistry.
- Reduce inflamation.
- Painless (despite preconceptions!) in many cases.Though you will feel the prick if your body is already in pain is quite normal.
The most common side effects of acupuncture are things everyone wants: better sleep, more energy, mental clarity, better digestion, and less stress. One or several of these side effects occur routinely for many, many acupuncture goers.
In many cases, the benefit of Acupuncture can last for weeks, months, or even up to a year. However, it depends on your body condition, the severity of your symptoms, and your medical history. Some may see longer-lasting benefits than others. Some may take 3-5 times to see some results and progression. Remember, acupuncture treatment is a natural method of treatment. It will take some time as it depends on how your body responds to it and as well the skills of the practitioner. Hence, ensure you are receiving treatment from someone certified to help you.
The no.1 reason is because of the fear of needles. The thought of having needles inserted into your skin is not pretty and painful.The truth is, it's not as how you imagine. There is a pricking feeling at the beginning sometimes, but most of the time no experience of pain. However, if you have pain in an area of your body, you will most likely feel a little prick on it.
It depends on your health, body condition, and how well you respond to the treatment. It might take days for acute cases (bell's palsy example), alternate days (stroke patients), weekly for fewer concerns, or every fourth night for those just doing some Qi maintenance.In general, regular sessions meeting your practitioner will attain long-term benefits. If you feel great after your first treatment, you don't have to follow up with your practitioner for any appointment unless there are other issues you want to treat.
As with any treatment, acupuncture may cause side effects in some individuals such as:
- Pain and bleeding from the needle insertion.
- Nausea.
- Infections.
- Skin rash.
- Allergic reaction.
- Bruising around the area the needles were placed.
- Dizziness.
But it is not life threatening so rest assured. On that note, always choose a certified practitioner to get treatment..
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