In general, acupuncture can help you with sleep issues, digestion, stress, overall mood, and many more. Although many people choose to have ongoing regular acupuncture treatment, just one session can have lasting health benefits for many. It depends on your body's constitution. The method is to get to the root of the issue rather than just the symptoms of illness. Because treating the root cause of health problems is exactly what we do.
Imagine your health is a tree..A tree has many branches that represent symptoms one experiences such as digestive issues, insomnia, or fatigue.The real cause lies underneath the tree where the root is, representing your internal organ such as the kidney, liver, stomach, lungs, etc. You can try to block the symptoms from the branches by suppressing them with the medication as we usually do. What if you can go deep underneath to identify the root to start mending and feeding the needed nutrients to a healthy tree again? The symptoms in the branches of the tree then will sprout and can heal naturally.
So is the body, when the root cause is taken care of, the symptoms will be improved and cured. This benefit will be long term and your body will be happier and healthier.
- It is a natural solution to many health concerns.
- It relaxes the mind and body.
- Promotes healing.
- Releases blockage.
- Improves circulation.
- Reduce pain.
- Balance your body chemistry.
- Reduce inflamation.
- Painless (despite preconceptions!) in many cases.Though you will feel the prick if your body is already in pain is quite normal.
The most common side effects of acupuncture are things everyone wants: better sleep, more energy, mental clarity, better digestion, and less stress. One or several of these side effects occur routinely for many, many acupuncture goers.
In many cases, the benefit of Acupuncture can last for weeks, months, or even up to a year. However, it depends on your body condition, the severity of your symptoms, and your medical history. Some may see longer-lasting benefits than others. Some may take 3-5 times to see some results and progression. Remember, acupuncture treatment is a natural method of treatment. It will take some time as it depends on how your body responds to it and as well the skills of the practitioner. Hence, ensure you are receiving treatment from someone certified to help you.
The no.1 reason is because of the fear of needles. The thought of having needles inserted into your skin is not pretty and painful.The truth is, it's not as how you imagine. There is a pricking feeling at the beginning sometimes, but most of the time no experience of pain. However, if you have pain in an area of your body, you will most likely feel a little prick on it.
It depends on your health, body condition, and how well you respond to the treatment. It might take days for acute cases (bell's palsy example), alternate days (stroke patients), weekly for fewer concerns, or every fourth night for those just doing some Qi maintenance.In general, regular sessions meeting your practitioner will attain long-term benefits. If you feel great after your first treatment, you don't have to follow up with your practitioner for any appointment unless there are other issues you want to treat.
As with any treatment, acupuncture may cause side effects in some individuals such as:
- Pain and bleeding from the needle insertion.
- Nausea.
- Infections.
- Skin rash.
- Allergic reaction.
- Bruising around the area the needles were placed.
- Dizziness.
But it is not life threatening so rest assured. On that note, always choose a certified practitioner to get treatment..
Cupping treatment is generally safe for most individuals; however, it may not be suitable for everyone. It is not recommended for pregnant women, individuals with certain skin conditions, open wounds, or those taking blood-thinning medications
The number of cupping sessions required varies depending on the individual and the specific condition being treated. Some people may experience immediate relief after a single session, while others may need several sessions for optimal results.
Cupping is generally safe when performed by a trained professional. However, some potential side effects may include temporary skin discoloration, bruising, mild discomfort, or rare cases of burns from fire cupping. It is important to discuss any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns with our practitioner before undergoing treatment.
The duration of a cupping session can vary depending on individual needs and the areas being treated. Typically, a session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, although it may be longer if combined with other treatments or techniques.
Cupping treatment is generally not painful. People often experience a sensation of tightness or pulling on the skin during the treatment, which can feel unusual but not typically painful. After the session, temporary marks or bruising may appear, but they are usually painless and fade within a few days.
Cupping treatment is an ancient healing practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum effect. The cups can be made of various materials such as glass, silicone, bamboo, or even using fire. The suction created helps to increase blood flow, relax muscles, and promote healing.
Cupping treatment has been used to address a wide range of conditions, including pain relieve, better circulation, relaxation, detoxification, respiratory and Qi balance. However, it is important to consult with our TCM Practitioner to determine if cupping is suitable for your specific condition.
Tuina, also known as Tui Na or Chinese therapeutic massage, is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that uses manual techniques to stimulate and balance the flow of Qi (energy) in the body. It involves various massage techniques, such as kneading, rolling, pressing, and stretching, to promote healing and overall well-being.
Tuina is known for its effectiveness in addressing a wide range of conditions. It can help to alleviate pain relief stress, improve blood flow, promote flexibility, balancing energy, relieving stomach discomfort and neck shoulder discomfort, improve better breathing. As for kids, it's sometimes used tp address common flu issues. Tuina is often used in conjunction with other traditional Chinese Medicine modalities to provide comprehensive healthcare.
Tuina is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine principles and focuses on balancing the flow of Qi in the body's meridians. Unlike relaxation massage, Tuina incorporates specific techniques and manipulations to address imbalances, promote energy flow, and stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms
Tuina should not be painful when performed by a skilled practitioner. The therapist will adjust the pressure and techniques based on your comfort level. During the treatment, you may experience sensations such as pressure, stretching, or mild discomfort, but it should not be overly painful.
The duration of a Tuina session can vary depending on individual needs and the areas being treated. A typical session can range from 30 minutes to an hour or longer, depending on the treatment plan and goals established with the practitioner.
Tuina is generally safe for most individuals; however, certain conditions or circumstances may require caution. It is important to inform our practitioner about any existing medical conditions, injuries, or pregnancy to ensure a tailored approach. We will determine the suitability of Tuina and make any necessary modifications to ensure your safety and well-being.
The number of Tuina sessions required varies depending on the individual's condition, severity, and response to treatment. Some people may experience immediate relief, while others may require multiple sessions for optimal results.
Guasha is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves scraping or rubbing the skin with a smooth-edged tool to promote blood circulation and relieve tension. It is commonly used on the back, neck, shoulders, and limbs.
Guasha offers various potential benefits, inclusive of improved blood flow, reduction of soft tissue entanglement, relieving muscles discomfort and fascial stiffness, stimulation of lymphatic drainage, and promote relaxation. It is frequently employed to alleviate issues such as neck shoulder discomfort and lower back discomfort, muscle strains, and even symptoms associated with the respiratory system.
During a Guasha session, a lubricant, such as oil or lotion, is applied to the skin, and then a smooth-edged tool, typically made of jade, crystal or horn, is gently scraped over the lubricated area. Practitioner applies pressure and strokes in a specific pattern along the muscles or meridians to release tension and promote healing.
Guasha should not be excessively painful, but it can cause temporary discomfort or slight bruising. The pressure applied during the technique may create a scraping sensation on the skin, which some people find therapeutic. However, practitioner will adjust the pressure based on your comfort level and ensure that the treatment remains within your tolerance.
Guasha is generally safe when performed by a trained practitioner. However, some individuals may experience temporary skin discoloration, bruising, or tenderness in the treated area. It is important to communicate any pre-existing medical conditions, skin sensitivities, or medications you are taking to ensure a safe and tailored approach.
The duration of a Guasha session can vary depending on the area being treated and individual needs. Generally, a session can last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Practitioner will consider your specific requirements and goals to determine the appropriate session length.
The frequency of Guasha treatments depends on the condition being addressed and individual response. For acute issues, more frequent sessions may be recommended initially, while for chronic conditions or maintenance, sessions may be spaced further apart. Our practitioner will provide guidance on the recommended treatment plan for your specific situation.
Moxibustion is a treatment where heat from burning a herb called mugwort is applied to certain points on your body. It helps improve blood flow, boost energy, and promote healing. It's often used to warm up areas of the body that feel cold or weak, helping to restore balance and overall health.
A consultation with a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner is a chat where they get to know you and your health. They'll ask about your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history. They might also check things like your pulse and tongue to understand your body’s balance. Based on this, they’ll suggest treatments like acupuncture, herbs, or changes to your diet or exercises to help you feel better and bring your body back into balance.
While most people can benefit fromChinese herbal medicine, it may not be suitable for:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women (unless under TCM practitioner’s supervision).
- Individuals with severe allergies to certain herbs.
- People taking medications with potential interactions (e.g., blood thinners).
Always discuss your medical history and current medications with your practitioner.
Consult a professional: Seek advice from a licensed TCM practitioner to get a customized herbal formula.
Follow instructions: Take Chinese herbal remedies as directed to avoid under- or overdosing.
Maintain a balanced diet: Support herbal treatments with a healthy diet tailored to your TCM diagnosis (e.g., avoid cold foods if you have a "cold" condition).
Combine therapies: Complement herbal remedies with acupuncture, cupping, or lifestyle adjustments for better results.
Be patient: Herbal medicine works gradually to address root causes, so give the treatment time to show results.
When Chinese herbal medicine isprescribed by a qualified practitioner, they are generally safe forconsumption. However, self-prescription or unregulated products can pose risks.Always consult a certified TCM practitioner to ensure that the Chinese herbsare suitable for your condition and do not interact with other medications.
Some commonly used herbal remedies include:
Ginseng (Ren Shen): Boosts energy, immunity, and mental clarity.
Licorice root (Gan Cao): Soothes coughs, reduces inflammation, and harmonizes other herbs in a formula.
Goji berries (Gou Qi Zi): Supports eye health and nourishes the liver and kidneys.
Ginger (Sheng Jiang): Warms the stomach, improves digestion, and relieves nausea.
Astragalus (Huang Qi): Strengthens immunity and supports the spleen and lungs.
These Chinese herbal remedies are often customized into unique formulas toaddress individual health concerns.
Yes, combining Chinese herbal medicines withacupuncture or other TCM modalities enhances the body innate healing process.Acupuncture stimulates energy flow (Qi) and clears blockages in meridianspathway, while herbal medicine provides ongoing support by nourishing the body,balancing Yin and Yang, and addressing the root cause of the condition.Together, they create a synergistic effect, improving recovery time and overallhealth outcomes.
In TCM, every herb has unique flavour properties,such as temperature (warm, cool, or neutral) and taste (bitter, sweet, sour,salty, or pungent). These flavour properties influence specific organs and meridianpathways in the body. Chinese herbal medicine aim to treat the root cause ofillness, rather than just masking symptoms, by supporting the body's naturalhealing mechanisms and restoring balance.
Chinese herbal medicine is a keycomponent of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It primarily uses plant-basedingredients, but some remedies may include minerals or animal products. Theherbs are carefully selected and combined based on their flavour properties torestore balance and harmony within the body. Remedies are available in variousforms, including powders, teas, tablets, pastes, and ointment, tailored to thepatient’s specific needs.
Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to help with mental and physical health problems. It can also help change habits. Some therapists even use hypnosis to make other treatments work better or to help manage pain.